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Zooming Moms' MOMship Membership 

Our MOMship provides women with a sense of belonging and purpose.  Mates are encouraged to retreat themselves, practice loyalty, participate in therapy in disguise and reciprocate love and support before, during and after storms members may encounter. Women are given a reason to show-up for themselves and others.


Zooming Moms MOMship Membership encourages and inspires women unity. Members will enhance their social life and grow personally and professionally. Our goal is to exemplify women unity while we evolving together. Together women will help one another step outside of their comfort zones to brighten their horizons and become the woman they dream to be so they can live the life they desire.


Each cohort of women who board our MOMship as a MamaMate will be a new crew of MamaMates added to our MOMship (1st MamaMates, 2nd MamaMates etc.). MamaMate Crews are supportive mom tribes that consist of goal-driven women from different walks of life from around the world who are striving to balance motherhood, mental health, and momprenuership so they can evolve together. 


Changing your crew may change your lifestyle for the better. Board our MOMship Membership.

Who is membership for?

Testimonies Abouts Zooming Moms, Inc.

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Why are there membership dues and fees?

Zooming Moms, Incorporated is a Non-profit Social Support Club registered under a 501(c)(7). Organizations registered under a 501(c)(7) do not have to have charitable purposes; however, must be for social or recreational purposes. The organization must be non-profitable with limited membership. Our MOMship Membership has an open enrollment period. Members of our 501(c)(7) non-profit organization receive social and recreational support virtually and/or in-person. Operations are primarily supported by dues, fees, or similar charges paid by members.

Membership includes eligibility to participate in original programs & events with reduced fees 

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What are Quarterly Pamper Packages?

Pamper packages are packages filled with unique perks to pamper MamaMates. Packages are shipped directly to MamaMates as a surprise. Exact dates of shipment and a list of what’s inside the package is not provided in advance. MamaMates receive 4 mystery pamper boxes per year, 1 for each quarter, which is every 3 months. Mompreneuer MamaMates may request for their products to be featured in pamper packages. Each quarter the box will feature a new product from a different mompreneur. The goal is to select one affordable product from a MamaMate mompreneur to help support and promote their business.

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What are the qualifications to become a member?

Women interested in joining our MOMship Membership MUST:

  1. be 18 years of age or older

  2. identify as a woman

  3. be a mother or a mother figure

  4. be able to afford fees & monthly dues

  5. be willing to participate in virtual meetings, programs, & events


How do I become a member?

Fill out the application below to be placed on our waiting list. Waitlist members are the first to know about open enrollment and are provided detailed information on how to become a member. We will be in contact with you regarding your application status and membership process.

Apply for your boarding pass now!


What is Zooming Moms Academy (ZMA)?

Zooming Moms Academy is a cruise of exclusive workshops and group sessions designed to enhance members’ personal and professional development.  Members will learn how to turn their visions into their reality. 


Zooming Moms Academy is designed to encourage and inspire members to become the best version of themselves, so they can live the life they desire. Members will have an opportunity to participate in teambuilding and bonding activities to build strong connections with one another. Members will gain an accountability crew to help enhance their social life and find balance in Motherhood, Mental Health, and Momprenuership. 


Each one will teach one and each one will support one.

Zooming Moms, Inc. does not conduct or condone to hazing activities. Any form of hazing is prohibited to become a member of Zooming Moms, Inc. Social Support Club.

Apply Here
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Which Membership Option are you interested in?
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